Quality Policy

OUR MISSION: To provide outstanding and professional service with friendly, approachable customer treatment, the cornerstone of our company, offering end-to-end management of meat by-products, that is, collecting and transporting animal carcasses from livestock farms in Galicia, to later process and eliminate the waste in the cleanest, safest, energy efficient and profitable way possible.

OUR VISION: To be a leader in quality and professionalism in the comprehensive management of meat by-products.

GESUGA quality is inherent in everything we do and in our everyday work, a crucial factor in company strategy, which is why we have implemented and maintained a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001 international standard.

This system demonstrates the company’s willingness to continually improve customer service:

CUSTOMERS: Meeting the needs and expectations of our customers by guaranteeing food safety and regulatory compliance.

HUMAN RESOURCES: Creating a highly qualified team, improving work processes to achieve job satisfaction, transmitting the company image and values, working as a team and achieving job stability through the training, professional development and motivation of all our employees.

INNOVATION: Incorporating the best available techniques and launching new projects to promote the use of new technologies.

SUPPLIERS: Establishing commercial relationships with suppliers that comply with a quality consistent with the needs of our company.

PARTNERS AND EQUIPMENT: Achieving the maximum benefit for both partners and their team members, focusing on minimizing costs, optimizing by automating and standardizing our processes and striving to open new lines of business.

Information Security Policy


ISO 27001 Certificate

Today companies constantly face risks and technological threats (malware, phishing, denial of service, intrusion attacks, etc.), which expose organizations to significant financial, data and information losses, therefore, ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of information has become one of the main objectives of GESUGA S.L.

Through the development of a Security Culture, an Information Security Management System (ISMS) has been implemented based on the ISO / IEC 27001 standard.

This implementation allows us to know, manage and minimize the possible risks that threaten the security of the information in our company, generating trust and guarantee in front of our interested parties.

Commitment to the United Nations Global Compact

Aware that business organizations must commit to the development of a fair, supportive society that protects the environment and human values, we renew our commitment to the Ten Principles of the Global Compact, and we commit ourselves to continuing to support and share the principles our stakeholders.

GESUGA is committed to creating a progress report for its stakeholders on the actions it takes to implement the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, following the reporting policy of the Global Compact through the website of the Global Compact(http://www.pactomundial.org), in order to provide information to stakeholders and as proof of transparency in business management.