The GEMA project (acronym for GEstión de la MovilidAd), is funded by the Galician Innovation Axencia (GAIN) through the Conecta PEME program of which GESUGA is a part, together with CITIC and the companies Enxenio, Mayores and Taprega. This project began last March and will end in February 2022.
This initiative obtained financing of nearly 800,000 euros from GAIN (Galician Innovation Axencia) through the Conecta PEME program, whose objective is to foster cooperation between small and medium-sized companies and other agents of the regional innovation system through of support for R + D + i projects.
For more information:
GIRO: Generation, Management and routes integration in OLAP
Project description
The GIRO project has as its aim to investigate and develop technology in order to create innovative prototypes which provide support to different logistics processes, the generation of routes and timetables, as well as the modelling of data observed and their exploitation in an OLAP environment to support the taking of business decisions.
The six companies taking part in this consortium, although they dedicate themselves to different branches of activity, have to face complex logistics problems in their processes. For that, they need applications of Mobile Workforce Management (MwM) but they also need help organizing the routes of their operators and providing them with support tools for their activities. What is more, all data gathered by the workers should be exploited at the Data Warehouse of the company where all movements carried out by their operators should be introduced so as to be able to consider future improvements. Finally, they need to publish part of the data of their data bases to inform administrations, customers and other organizations.
The state of the art does not provide solutions for those complex requirements. So these companies, via this project, will make a joint subcontracting of a CITIC multidisciplinary team (computering technicians and mathematicians) so that they carry out research, analysis and innovative design works, and guide their programmers in the developing of experimental prototypes of the applications they need.
So this project has six general vertical goals, which are the creation of the experimental prototypes of the six applications of support to the management and logistics of each company. Those prototypes, although different, will have a common modular architecture. The idea is that the applications developed from them not only give support to the companies of the consortium but also may be commercialized to other companies of the same branches of activity as they will cover a vacant space in the market.
Besides that, the project has five transversal specific technological aims which articulate the five work packages with the tasks pointed to carry out the research, the analysis and the programmation and testing of all the software modules of the six prototypes.
Project development
The project has a duration of 27 months (from 1st October 2015 till 31st December 2017) and is organized in five work packages, one for each specific technological aim. Within each work package there are Research and/or Analysis and Innovative Design tasks common to the six prototypes which will be carried out by the CITIC researchers in collaboration with the personnel of the six companies for the analysis of the requirements.
- Innovative development of specific prototypes of Mobile Workforce Management (MwM) adapted to each company and integrated in its own software ecosystem.
- Algorithmic research for the calculation of routes/timetables with time/space restrictions and dynamic adaptation to supervenient contingencies, with self-regulation by automatic learning.
- Research, designing and developing of algorithms for the recognition of movement patterns and geolocation, for their Semantic Labelling as recognized “activities”.
- Modelling of the observed “activities” for their integration into a multidimensional data base and development of specific algorithms for their OLAP exploitation.
- Investigation in compressed and self-indexed structures for the efficient exploitation of data under the standard RDF Data Cube and modelling of data according to the mentioned standard for their interoperability, publication and/or partial diffusion.
In the GIRO project six companies, and a technological centre under subcontracting, that collaborates with them, take part:
- Gestora de subproductos de Galicia, S.L.
- Biogas Fuel Cell, S.A.
- Grupo On Seguridad, S.L.
- A0 Mayores Servicios Sociales, S.L.
- Mugatra Sociedad de Prevención, S.L.
- Taprega Prevención de Riesgos, S.L.
- Centro Tecnolóxico da Universidade da Coruña (CITIC)
Public funding
This Project, with file No. ITC-20151247, It has been funded by the Centro para o Desenvolvento Tecnolóxico Industrial (CDTI) within the summons FEDER INNTERCONECTA 2015.