Equality commitment
In each and every one of the areas in which the activity of this company is carried out, from selection to promotion, passing through salary policy, training, working and employment conditions, occupational health, organization of working time, work and conciliation, we assume the principle of equal opportunities between women and men, paying special attention to indirect discrimination, understanding by this “the situation in which an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice, puts a person of one sex at a particular disadvantage compared to staff of the other sex.
Regarding communication, both internal and external, all decisions adopted in this regard will be reported and an image of the company will be projected in accordance with this principle of equal opportunities between women and men.
The principles set forth in the Law will be put into practice through promoting the reconciliation of work, family and personal life, and through the implementation and execution of the Equality Plan of GESTORA DE SUBPRODUCTOS DE GALICIA, SL, which includes the Diagnosis in matters of equality and in which the measures, evaluation and monitoring systems that allow us to meet the objectives in matters of equality between men and women in our company are defined. The Plan is prepared with the participation of all staff, both men and women, whose demands and suggestions are channeled in the negotiation through the respective legal representatives of the staff, not only in the process of negotiation, but also in the execution, monitoring and evaluation phases. The company makes available all the human, material and resource means that are necessary for the correct application of its Equality Plan.
This equality plan is carried out in accordance with the provisions of RD 901/2020, which regulates equality plans and their registration, as well as RD 902/2020, on equal pay between women and men. In the same way, for the commitment to non-discrimination, all the aspects contemplated in Law 15/2022, comprehensive for equal treatment and non-discrimination, are taken into account.