As the name of our society indicates, Gestora de Subproductos de Galicia (Meat By-products Manager), GESUGA, our activity deals with the INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF MEAT BY-PRODUCTS NOT INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. GESUGA starts its activity of collection and transportation in March 2005 and with the treatment of Meat By-products in November 2005.
The prohibition of the burial of carcasses of dead animals at livestock farms, gathered in the Regulation CE 999/2001, was very important because of the amount of new by-product to be processed and for the change of habits at livestock farms.
With all this, GESUGA is a fundamental link in the meat sector, guaranteeing the availability of means that will allow Galician products to reach the market with all quality guarantees and respecting the regulations that rule them.
The collection system was made possible via a public service of collection at livestock farms for which users PAY by means of yearly insurance policies managed via Agroseguro